How OMSs help empower eCommerce

Talk of business trends usually revolves around process optimization and efficiency rather than just volume. As such, order management systems (OMSs) are gaining popularity, thanks in large part to their ability to provide immediate results.

First off, we need to clarify that inventory management systems (IMSs) are not the same as OMSs. The former is a solution for analyzing your sales history and forecasting demand for your product and the materials you will need; in contrast, the latter is all about the here and now, as it tackles transactions as they happen.

Automate mundane emails to get more done

Everyone wishes we had more time to spend in a day. Between repetitive emails and seemingly endless meetings, it’s hard to find time for important tasks. Thanks to the increasing affordability of enterprise-level IT, however, SMBs can start getting at least half of those problems under control with email automation.

ERP: the software your business needs

Managing a business is complicated enough: different departments like accounting, management, and sales each have its own software and systems. Don’t you just wish there was a less difficult and more efficient way to manage your enterprise? Wish no more, because enterprise resource planning (ERP) software can solve management problems for you.